Help and Advice Groups


UKCEN focus is to provide accessible and up-to-date information to those who wish to apply for EEA/QP (Registration Certificate), EEA/PR (Permanent Resident certification), UK citizenship and UK passport. This is done by providing a range of resources, such a FAQs document, which is user-friendly and covers most of the questions asked in the forum. Regulated legal professionals are on hand to confirm the information and advice given.

If you are specifically interested in the settled status, there is a detailed statement of intent available here


ESSE – Emotional support service for Europeans

The Existential Academy in collaboration with the New Europeans Association Limited, offers this emotional support service for EU citizens resident in the UK whose mental health has been adversely impacted by the uncertainty and emotional upheaval caused by Brexit. This service is provided by accredited psychotherapists and counselling psychologists who are affiliates of the Existential Academy.
