Jane Brophy, ex-MEP for North-West England, becomes an Honorary Member of the board of Voices for Europe (more about Jane’s views here).
Rally 4 Our Rights Website
Rally 4 Our Rights – 12th October 2019, London
Voices for Europe is part of the organization team for this event.
We and other groups have decided to take over from People’s Vote as we are aware of many people coming over from other European countries who already had their hotels and tickets booked.
This event is additional to, but not in competition to the march on the 19th of October.
It will be just a rally. Afterwards there also will be a sit in for 24h.
We have to stand up against this government and make it clear that we do not agree with Brexit.

New Event: Brexit and mental health: how are you coping?
Friday, 4th October 2019, London
Brexit is the biggest upheaval many of us will have known in our lifetimes. It has dominated the political scene for over three years and all of us will be affected by it in some way.
The European Parliament put citizens’ rights at the core of its demands for signing off any Withdrawal Agreement and to mark World Mental Health Day, its Liaison Office in London is staging an event to look at the psychological impact the UK’s departure is having on both Britons and EU27 nationals resident here.
JOIN US at Europe House for our expert panel discussion on October 4th and have your say. It’s good to talk.
V4E has been present at all the marches. Once again we fielded a team, to carry our banner and march for change on 20 July 2019.

Beforehand we had supported the march and rally organizers by working with all the “5 Million” groups to ensure that speakers would be on the platform. An Vrancken had also ensured that we were a named organization supporting the march.
We were pleased to see representation of the EU27 in the UK and Brits in the EU on that platform!

We were also delighted that our marching team, especially Emmy van Deurzen and Mieke Kreeftenberg were able to be at the front of the march when press photos were taken so that there were shots of our banner and our distinctive SAVE OUR STAR placard (with the artwork of Mark Fairhurst), in the Guardian, the Observer and the Evening Standard.

We were pleased to march alongside Women for Europe and to have Tamara Flanagan of New Europeans join our team for part of the march. We are strong believers in team work and collaboration and were sad to miss the In Limbo team we had also hoped to march with. We were sorry that An had to pull out at the last minute from marching with us because of an injury.

We are delighted that Mieke Kreeftenberg and Anette Pollner who were with us on the march have both agreed to join our organizing team.

We are always looking for committed people to help us post in our Facebook forum and to retweet our twitter account @voiceseurope

An article about the march in the guardian can be found here
New Article in the Articles section!
Our stance on the European elections
Voices for Europe is a cross-party and non-party political group which was created in May 2016 to provide a forum to support EU citizens. We focus on EU27 citizens in the UK who have been disenfranchised by the referendum and EU citizens moving around the rest of Europe, including Britons in the EU.
We steer clear of individual party affiliations and do not endorse individual political groups or campaigns. We support cross party political campaigns against Brexit, as we believe that collaboration is essential to secure the future of all EU citizens and to ensure peace, freedom, collaboration, trade and prosperity for all. We supported and actively contributed to many national marches and rallies. We value the friendships that we forged across nationalities, beliefs and political affiliations and will continue to nurture those friendships.
Regarding the EU elections, our policy is to encourage people to vote and to engage with the future of Europe. However, we shall not advocate voting for particular parties or individuals. We believe that it is important for the future of the EU that the European Parliament will consist of MEPs who are committed to European unity. We will therefore not allow publicity for anti EU parties on our pages, but encourage publicity for all pro EU parties and also of course will allow posts which encourage debate on issues pertaining to it.
We will continue to post as many relevant news items as possible and will post links to manifestos when these become available, encouraging debate on them. We will continue to campaign for the revocation of article 50, for a second referendum and for voting rights for EU27 citizens in the UK and British citizens in Europe.
We hope you will support us in these campaigns as much as possible by sharing what we post in our group and on our page and what we tweet from our twitter account @voiceseurope
We would really appreciate if you would continue to canvas for our causes and try to convince people to sign our petition for voting rights.
We welcome other like minded groups to submit material about their work for us to publish on the V4E site.
We would also like to point people to the Remain Voter website for some practical advice on how to choose who to vote for.
New Articles and Videos!
An Open Letter to Theresa May
Find Peter Cook’s open letter to Theresa May here. It will be delivered on 27th of February at 16:30pm and you are invited to add your name to the list of signatories.
Are WTO rules the answer? Some people may say so, but the reality looks a little bit different.
Read Jim Cornelius’s excellent take down of the arguments by leading Leavers how WTO rules are somehow going to be a boon to the consumer here.