Mike Galsworthy
Prof A C Grayling
EU Supergirl Madeleina Kay
Femi ‘Sorry’
Jane Golding (British 4 EU)
Nicola Hatton 3M
Anne-Laure Donskoy 3M
Emmy Van Deurzen V4E
Andy Waller Flash Protests
Tom Bruffato EU Movement/Bristol 4 EU
Elena Remigi – In Limbo
Veronique Martin – In Limbo
Gina Miller
Trevor Stables LD
Raluca and Roger New Europeans
Nick Reeves 48%
Joan Pons Laplana
Liz Webster (Article 50 Challenge)
Matt Kelly (The New European)
Alasdair Campbell (editor of New European)
George Osborne (editor of Evening Standard)
Graham Pigney (The People’s Challenge)
Matthew Parris (The Times)
Other Key Contacts
Jon Reed (Jon Danzig)
Chris Stonehouse LAB (Momentum)