The latest Eurobarometer survey, published one year ahead of the European elections in May 2019, shows a continuous increase in citizens’ support for the European Union. Over two-thirds of respondents (67%) are convinced that their country benefits from being a member of the EU. This is the highest score ever measured since 1983. Also for the first time, a majority of respondents (48%) believes their voice counts in the EU.
The Existential and Emotional impact of Brexit
People are often asking what kind of impact Brexit has on the mental health of the people who didn’t vote for Leave, but rather want to stay in the EU.
That research has now been done by our chair Prof Emmy van Deurzen and Dr Helen De Cruz.
You can read the results here
A song for Europe Day
Please check out our Music and creative activism page for more musical tributes to the European idea, including Rage against the Brexit Machine’s chart storming song “In Limbo”.