V4E has been present at all the marches. Once again we fielded a team, to carry our banner and march for change on 20 July 2019.

Beforehand we had supported the march and rally organizers by working with all the “5 Million” groups to ensure that speakers would be on the platform. An Vrancken had also ensured that we were a named organization supporting the march.
We were pleased to see representation of the EU27 in the UK and Brits in the EU on that platform!

We were also delighted that our marching team, especially Emmy van Deurzen and Mieke Kreeftenberg were able to be at the front of the march when press photos were taken so that there were shots of our banner and our distinctive SAVE OUR STAR placard (with the artwork of Mark Fairhurst), in the Guardian, the Observer and the Evening Standard.

We were pleased to march alongside Women for Europe and to have Tamara Flanagan of New Europeans join our team for part of the march. We are strong believers in team work and collaboration and were sad to miss the In Limbo team we had also hoped to march with. We were sorry that An had to pull out at the last minute from marching with us because of an injury.

We are delighted that Mieke Kreeftenberg and Anette Pollner who were with us on the march have both agreed to join our organizing team.

We are always looking for committed people to help us post in our Facebook forum and to retweet our twitter account @voiceseurope

An article about the march in the guardian can be found here